What are some of the ways that people can help protect birds and their habitats?

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Collisions with glass are one of the major human threats to birds, killing up to 1 billion birds a year in the U.S. UU. Because birds see differently from us, glass poses a serious risk, especially when vegetation or other habitat is reflected on windows. For nearly 25 years, ABC has been dedicated to conserving birds and their habitats across the Americas.

We do this by safeguarding the rarest species, protecting habitats, eliminating threats and building capacity for bird conservation. With your help, we can continue to achieve conservation results for native birds throughout the Western Hemisphere. Being inside is the best thing for your cat. Did you know that indoor cats live three to seven years longer than outdoor cats? Cats are also responsible for approximately 2.4 billion bird deaths each year (and 12 billion mammals).

In spring, young birds or chicks often end up on the ground, attracting the fatal attention of a nearby cat. Ground-nesting species that are especially vulnerable are red deer and common thrush, but all chicks, from ducks to warblers, will remain on the ground for a critical period of time. If you feed birds, make sure you don't accidentally allow diseases to spread. Disinfect bird feeders and drinkers, and change the water regularly or use a drip system to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

The safest places for bird feeders are three feet from your home or more than 30 feet away. When the feeder is too close, the bird won't be able to gain enough speed to hit a deadly window. When the feeder is far away, birds can better sense that the windows are part of their home and not an airway. The size of the windows and the vegetation can also play a role.

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